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Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
nhăn nhó

[nhăn nhó]
to wince; to frown; to grimace; to pull a wry face
Äừng nhăn nhó vá»›i khách hàng nữa!
Stop frowning at customers!; stop making faces at customers!
Anh đến xin tiá»n thì tất nhiên cô ấy phải nhăn nhó
If you come and ask her for money, she's sure to grimace/wince; if you come and ask her for money, she's sure to pull a wry face
Cô ấy nhăn nhó vì đau
Her face was twisted with pain
NgÆ°á»i hay nhăn nhó

động từ. to grinmace, to wry

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